Recently I wrote my succession plan for RE/MAX Ability Plus. First let's get this out I'm not planning on going anywhere. So now that we know I have a plan and those plans DO NOT include me moving on anytime in the near future, what do they say and why?
I care.... Much the same way I care about my family at home, I care about the people in this organization. So on a long flight to Denver I set out and completed all my thoughts surrounding what if.... I won't bore you with those details but it is safe to say I have taken some of my current time on earth to think about the future of RE/MAX Ability Plus and the people affiliated.
Have you planned for your future or even more importantly have you planned for your family's future in the event you don't get to complete your professional plan? If you can take away three things from what I'm saying it would be have a plan for your time here, have a plan if that plan ends unexpectedly, and associate yourself with an organization that also has a plan.
Have you ever wondered what if... The Real Estate Company you wake up every day and associate with had a loss of leadership? What would happen? If your eggs are in that basket then it's fair for you to be concerned as well as have questions about this concern. I believe I'm what you would call a transparent person and I run a transparent organization so sharing this plan for what if... Bothers me none. I understand people are counting on me whether I'm here or not and I owe them security and confidence. If you haven't asked these questions of your broker or if you haven't written a will for your family or you don't have a succession plan for your business, then you need to step back and ask yourself are you doing the best you can do to plan for the what if.... Remember this will be your legacy.
Bon appetite, Jimmy