Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Who Is Watching You?

Who is watching?.......

These three words have become so important to RE/MAX Ability Plus and I have to imagine they are equally important to every full-time professional REALTOR.

 So one of the hats my brokerage wears is to seek out full-time professional REALTORS and get to know them for two reasons. The first is to build a relationship with Indy’s Top Talent and the second is to recruit Indy’s Top Talent to RE/MAX Ability Plus. Lately much of the discussion from agents we are talking with is how they have been “watching us.” At first I said, “Watching us?” but what I now understand is they take two steps back and watch to see if we are who we appear to be, and lucky for us the answer is yes.

 So this is probably no surprise that you sold a home in a neighborhood and the neighbor to your listing is watching to see how you perform. Is your sign of high quality or old and worn out? Do you do open houses? Is your brochure box empty, or are you using technology or 800 numbers? When you meet with the sellers are you on time or late? Do you look professional and represent the seller in your actions the way the neighbor would like to be represented? When you are out on the town, do you often bump into past clients? How often do you think your clients may see you but you don’t see them? Are you a polite person who handles bad service politely, or the one who makes a scene when you aren’t happy while unaware that a client might be sitting three tables away? Better yet, you don’t even know the person sitting at the table near you but when you leave they ask the server “Who was that person being rude to you?”  What if that person was thinking about working with you, would they still want to work with “that jerk?”  I doubt it.

 Steve Clark in my office recently had his car broken into at a North side mall, so he made an appointment to take it to the dealership to be repaired. While sitting in the waiting room working on his laptop and relaxing, he overheard the people next to him talking about their relocation to the Indy area. Naturally Steve introduced himself and yes, he worked with them selling them a $600k home. More importantly than his interaction with the staff of the dealership and how his story could have changed, he was there because someone broke into his car. He was stuck at the dealership, it’s the holiday season, and this is a huge waste of time for a guy having a killer year. But what the person watching saw was a polite and happy guy. What Steve saw was an opportunity to turn lemons into lemonade.

 For some people they just need to see one good deed, and for others they need results over a long period of time, but someone is always watching you.

Bon appetite

Jimmy Dulin