Summer is drawing to a close, and like most agents, you benefited from the summer wave of business. Now what?... I was talking about this very topic in our Monday morning coffee (designed to help start the week off right.) It seems many agents track the closings, pendings, listings and even who the client is and where they came from, all of which is great. But you can't tell the complete story with just this information. The story begins on the day you did the activity that led to the result of someone doing business with you, so the information you need is the activity information. I bet if you looked at Jan-March activity you would find you did more activities that led to sales and listings, and in June-August you had more closings than any other months but did less lead generating activities for the following quarters sales and listings. So as the summer begins to slow down why not kick in strong on third quarter activities that you do to generate leads that lead to more sales and listings in the fourth quarter? Example: calls, networking, door knocking (my lead generating activity of choice) client parties, mailers, open houses, pop bys and following up on the online lead sources you have. Even more important, create a spreadsheet that tracks activities and how many of the activities you do does it take to get a lead and how many leads to get a sale or listing.
Example: Knock on 100 doors, talk to 30 people and of the 30 people 5 have some thought of buying or selling. If I close one to do business with me, then I know for every 100 doors I know on, I close one deal. If it takes me 5 hours to knock on 100 doors then I now know how many of these activities I have to do and the number of hours I have to commit to it in order to have the number of sales I want.
For this example, I just picked numbers but I hope you can see how valuable this information can be for your business. If you do the reverse and say you want to close 10 deals from now to December 31st and 25% of your deals come from referrals with the balance coming from your activities, then it would look like this.
10 Deals
2.5 from referrals
7.5 from my activity of choice which takes 5 hours to generate 5 leads and results in 1 deal.
7.5 sales x 5 hours = 37.5 hours of activity time. My next step would be to time block 37.5 hours so I can PLAN to do the activities and PLAN my 4th quarter success.
I hope by now I have beat this horse and shown you why tracking activities will help you plan the kind of year you want to have.
Bon appetit